وصف كتاب جلاله الملك عبد الله الثاني بن الحسين
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منتدى شملت والنيه اربد

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وصف كتاب جلاله الملك عبد الله الثاني بن الحسين  Emptyوصف كتاب جلاله الملك عبد الله الثاني بن الحسين

شملت والنيه اربد
المدير العام

المدير العام
 نُشر في الجمعة 25 فبراير 2011 - 5:47

A newsbreaking memoir that tackles head-on the toughest
challenge in the world today.
When a dying King Hussein shocked the world by picking his son rather
than his brother, the longtime crown prince, to be the next king of
Jordan, no one was more surprised than the young head of Special
Operations, who discovered his life was in for a major upheaval.
This is the inspirational story of a young prince who went to boarding
school in America and military academy in Britain and grew up believing
he would be a soldier. Back home, he hunted down terrorists and
modernized Jordan's Special Forces. Then, suddenly, he found himself
king. Together with his wife, Queen Rania, he transformed what it meant
to be a monarch, going undercover to escape the bubble of the court
while she became the Muslim world's most passionate advocate of women's
In this exceptionally candid memoir, King Abdullah tackles the single
toughest issue he faces head-on- how to solve the Israeli-Palestinian
standoff- and reveals himself to be an invaluable intermediary between
America and the Arab world. He writes about the impact of the Iraq war
on his neighborhood and how best to tackle Iran's nuclear ambitions.
Why would a sitting head of state choose to write about the most
explosive issues he faces? King Abdullah does so now because he believes
we face a moment of truth: a last chance for peace in the Middle East.
The prize is enormous, the cost of failure far greater than we dare

معلومات إضافية

اسم المؤلف رقم ISBN isbn-13 دار النشر غلاف الكتاب سنة النشر عدد الوحدات عدد الصفحات السلسلة
King Abdullah II
Viking Books
February 22, 2011

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