كتاب " علم الترجمه "
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شملت والنيه اربد
المدير العام

المدير العام
 نُشر في الجمعة 10 ديسمبر 2010 - 21:59

A large number of students face great difficulty in understanding , analyzing , and appreciating poetry. The fault is usually not theirs , but rather that of their teachers who face the same difficulty English Poetry is not difficult to understand , once we grasp the quintessential characteristics of poetry , its special diction , and its grammatical peculiarities . Once we achieve that , we will find it easy to understand , analyze , and appreciate a poem .For instance , images depend mainly , apart from the poet's imagination , on figures of speech . Also , music is usually a matter of versification , which is tackled simply with a short and simple section on scansion

In the part which discusses history of poetry , I tried to give representative and carefully chosen poems of the different phases and schools of poetry . They are well-known poems which I liked and enjoyed , I hope that you will enjoy them too , and that they will instill in you a love of English Poetry.

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