للبيع; Samsung s6 edge & Apple iphone 6plus
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للبيع; Samsung s6 edge & Apple iphone 6plus Emptyللبيع; Samsung s6 edge & Apple iphone 6plus

 نُشر في الإثنين 22 يونيو 2015 - 12:35

Brand New Unlocked Original Apple iphone 6 16gb, 64gb and 128GB , White , Black, Silver and Gold

Whatsapp CHAT or Call : 00254703285513

Apple iphone 6 and 6plus cost 500usd
Samsung Galaxy S6 edge and Samsung Galaxy S6 cost 500usd
Samsung galaxy s5 cost 400usd
Samsung note 4  cost 400usd

Email: faisa.hassan01@hotmail.com
Whatsapp CHAT or Call : +254703285513
Skype : faisa.hassan102
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